Market's view on Xlmedia
Published on April 2024
- The US business is expected to account for 55% of the FY23 revenues, while European sports revenues have shown growth in H1 2023.
- A stock watcher anticipates greater clarity on the viability of the US business with upcoming account details.
- Concerns are raised about the real value remaining in the business post-distribution of cash to shareholders, considering recent staff updates on LinkedIn suggesting reduced overheads post-acquisition.
- Interest is shown in the financial details of the purely US-focused business to assess its viability, following the finalisation of earn outs and significant cash reserves.
- The stock watchers discuss the implications of the disposal of European and Canadian assets, viewing it as a sign that the business might be winding down.
- Speculation is made about the business being sold soon, with predictions of a sale price.
- Discussions include the timing of the release of full-year results and its impact on shareholder value.
- There is a suggestion for using the funds to buy shares and expand if management believes in the business.
- Concerns are voiced about management potentially dragging the process, impacting the share price, and a lack of updates being shared with shareholders.