Market's view on MaxCyte
Published on April 2024
- Stock watchers highlight Maxcyte’s FDA approval as a significant de-risking factor, suggesting it adds more value than a mere increase in core revenue.
- There are concerns about Maxcyte’s modest guidance for SPL (Strategic Platform License) production, suggesting it may not be sufficient to attract investor interest.
- Discussions about potential underwhelming aspects of recent RNS (Regulatory News Service) announcements imply strategic caution.
- Some watchers argue that Maxcyte should consider selling or adopting a more aggressive strategy due to slow progress and absence of updates on their VLX platform.
- Concerns are raised about the core revenue growth being underwhelming with speculation about possible reasons like licensee terminations or renegotiations due to funding issues.
- Discussions also cover SPL Program-related revenue expectations, particularly from the sale of CASGEVY by Vertex/CRISPR.
- Speculation exists about the reasons behind Doug Doerfler’s retirement as President and CEO, questioning its suddenness and possible implications.
- The positive financial impact of FDA approvals on Maxcyte’s milestone payments and future earnings prospects are noted, with expectations of significant revenue from such milestones.